Block Height: 123456

Hashrate: 123,45 EH/s

EB NFC Lightning Card

EB NFC Lightning Card

Hey there, you landed here because you picked up a Lightning NFC Card at the "Bitcoin Conference Amsterdam".

Here is what you need to know:

1. The card you have is an NXP NTAG424 DNA card, custom printed with some artwork to give it a cool design along with usefulness. The card has an overall memory of 416 bytes (256 bytes for NDEF storage) which is sufficient for a lot of functionalities NFC has to offer.

2.  The lightning functionality aka. Bolt Card functionality popularised by CoinCorner recently allows you to use the card for sending or receiving Sats (smallest unit of Bitcoin) with LNURL.

3. Before proceeding further, you need to know that currently this webpage URL is written on the card. So you need to erase the card using an NFC reader app on your smartphone (you can use the popular NFC Tools app). Source : Apple , GooglePlay , Android APK. Alternatively, you can also use a physical NFC reader device with a computer.

Go to the NFC Tools App, Select "Other", then "Erase Tag" and then tap your tag. If you are using Android, please ensure NFC functionality is activated.

4. The simplest configurations involve:

  • To receive: Generate an LN Address could be something like "". For a quick LN address, you can get one from the List on this page. It gives you all the information on services that offer LN address optionality or you can use your own custom one as well.
    Then write the LN address to the card as follows:


Please remember to add the "lightning:" at the beginning of the address for the lightning apps to detect that it's an LN address.

Select "Write", then click on "Add Record", choose "Custom URL", and add your lightning address as instructed and showcased in the images above. And write it on the card.

  • To send/pay Sats. You can use the LNURLw. Generate an LNURLw via LNBits or any other service which allows you to access and pay the funds from that wallet using LNURL Withdraw functionality. Write the LNURLw the same way as the lightning address :


5. Full CreditCard/Debit card: In general LNURLw you need to set up a set of limits for funds withdrawals, but in simple words, you expose your whole amount to the receiver and they can charge you more if you are not paying attention. You can also use the BoltCard repository to generate a new withdrawal associated exactly with the amount required. And host it in a self-managed manner. You can also access the BoltCard extension in LNBits now.
👉 Bolt Card website

GitHub - boltcard/boltcard: Create and host bolt cards
Create and host bolt cards. Contribute to boltcard/boltcard development by creating an account on GitHub.

Note: for this functionality, you also need the bolt card NFC android app to program your card properly which interacts with your bolt card server and works with NTAG424 cards alone at the moment.

GitHub - boltcard/bolt-nfc-android-app: Program your bolt card easily from your android mobile with this app
Program your bolt card easily from your android mobile with this app - GitHub - boltcard/bolt-nfc-android-app: Program your bolt card easily from your android mobile with this app

You can host and use the services in a self-hosted and private manner.

Have fun with your Lightning Card! 🤗

And don't forget to support and subscribe to "European Bitcoiners".

Value for Value exchange (you can tip Sovereign Monk for translations via Bitcoin Lightning):