

Events & Maps

Events & Maps

List of Bitcoin Events/Meetup Groups and Maps across Europe.

To add events or meet-ups to the list please send in your event details either through Telegram (@EuropeanBitcoin21), Twitter (@EuropeanBTC21).
To initiate a meet-up group, create a Telegram group with (@EB-*city name*) or name of your choice, so that you can interact with local bitcoiners around your area. Send us the link to your group and it would be updated here.
You can also email our coordinator: sovereignmonk@tuta.io

Bitcoin Business Map (Places to Spend Sats)

(zoom in and out to access a detailed view or world map)

Add you business location to the map via BTCMap 👈

Support BTC Map development by donating to any of the following:
On-Chain🔗: bc1qng60mcufjnmz6330gze5yt4m6enzra7lywns2d
Lightningâš¡: btcmap@zbd.gg

Bitcoin Local Groups

(information provided by local communities - subject to change)

Upcoming Events

Find your local events here:

Bitcoiner Events
The magic happens when Bitcoiners come together.

You can also check a smaller database version of the events below:



August 18-20, 2023

Surfin’Bitcoin – 25, 26 et 27 août 2022

August 25-27, 2023

Baltic Honeybadger 2022 - European Bitcoin Conference
The 4th edition of the Biggest European Bitcoin Conference held in Riga, Latvia

September 2-3, 2023

Tickets | BTC23
Here you can buy tickets for the BTC23. Europe’s largest bitcoin conference.

September 14-17, 2023

A technical Bitcoin Unconference
in the middle of the Atlantic, 23-24 September. Join us!

September 23-24, 2023

Bitcoin Amsterdam 2023
The team behind Bitcoin Magazine and Bitcoin 2023 are going global. Join us in Amsterdam, October 12-13, 2023!

October 12-13, 2023