Author: Şelale Malkoçoğlu | Original Date: 03/13/23
What if I told you that you could experience the perfect mix of meaningful films and Bitcoin culture all in one place? A place that preserves the revolutionary potential of Bitcoin and the captivating power of the silver screen. Yes, this is possible. And in just 2 weeks it will be happening in Warsaw, Poland.
I know what you might think - that cinema is just a commercial aspect of fiat culture, one that doesn’t bring any good. But wait. It’s not just any film festival - but the FilmFest. A Bitcoin-only event, the world’s first film festival that is fully dedicated to Bitcoin and its culture.
Thus, calling ALL Freedom-Seekers and Long-Term Hodlers!
Bitcoin FilmFest Warsaw (#BTCFilmFest), save the date:
24 - 26 March; Kinoteka PKiN, the iconic location, in the heart of Warsaw. 3 days, 8 films, 300 spectators, and much more to expect...
In addition to the main films, interesting shorts and trailers, BTC FilmFest 2023 will feature a series of panels, talks and workshops, offering an excellent opportunity to network. To exchange ideas and experiences, to learn and to teach. After all, each of us has a valuable dose of our own unique knowledge that we can share with each other, fellow Bitcoiners.
The venue adds an extra layer of meaning to this fest. The Palace of Culture and Science, where Kinoteka is located, is an iconic building of Warsaw, yet its history has often sparked controversy. At one point, there were even gossips about destroying the building, but it had survived and become the most recognizable point of the city—if not the entire country. Just like Bitcoin, which through the years facing criticisms that don‘t make sense and predictions that seem plucked out of thin air, is still here. Getting stronger than ever, you know you best.
And don‘t get me wrong, I‘m not comparing Bitcoin to any building, no matter how valuable it is for the residents of Warsaw. Rather, I want to show you how well-chosen the place was to host the inaugural edition of such a meaningful event.
Thus — Bitcoiners of Europe, UNITE!
Join us to celebrate the growing adoption of Bitcoin. To discuss the importance of education. To debate over the latest trends in the Bitcoin culture, and exchange experiences related to its developments, chances, and blockers. Above all, to make new friends.
Hope to see you there. Orangepill & chill - guaranteed.
PS. It’s a real pity if you can’t be with us in person. But still please follow @filmfestbtc on Twitter and help spread the word. I'm counting on you. Let‘s show together how much Proof of Work means.
Şelale Malkoçoğlu
Born in Poland, raised in a multi-culti family, I quickly developed a passion for travel & respect for others. The digital nomad lifestyle is my natural fit. For years, I'm a happy Bictoiner as well.
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