Autor: Şelale Malkoçoğlu | On behalf of Bitcoin FilmFest | Date: 08/27/2024
Many years ago, I realized that movies, particularly those from mass cinema, can be used for brainwashing the masses. It’s a perfect tool for long-term programming and control.
Don’t get me wrong—I’m not saying all films push propaganda. However... The visual medium is particularly powerful in shaping our thinking and influencing how we see the world. Add bad intentions—namely politics and greed—into the mix, and you get a clear example of how people have been subtly fed selected narratives, motifs, and trends through mass-produced content, especially over the last 5-10 years.
If you don’t agree, let’s talk. But before you comment or send me a DM, finish this short article so you have a stronger base to build your full opinion on.
Legacy Cinema Built on Bitcoin Standard.
I won’t dive too deep into independent cinema right now, which I sometimes jokingly call 'Binema.' Yet, for some context: together with a group of friends, I’m working on a project called Bitcoin FilmFest. Our goal is to support independent creators year-round and host a unique film festival annually. Feel free to join us in Warsaw, Poland, for #BFF25. FYI. It’s not a conference, but a community-driven cultural experience.
To connect this with the main topic of this read—legacy cinema—let me bring up a question that comes up from time to time, both within our team and from others:
Does Binema have to focus solely on independent films, especially those directly about Bitcoin?
In my opinion: NO.
I’ve even written articles about classic yet big-budget films like THE MATRIX, EQUILIBRIUM, THE TRUMAN SHOW, and a few other titles, explaining why they deserve a place in Bitcoin Cinema. I’ll probably share those here soon...
In the meantime, I’ve created dozen of memes that put together classic movies with sound money—combining knowledge with humor and irony 😎 Some of them are below.
If you like any of these, simply download and share them with others. If you find any similar memes that mix legacy cinema with Bitcoin ethos, and decide to post them somewhere, please tag me and Bitcoin FilmFest. We’d love to spread them further. The more people see them and enjoy, the better!
#01: Jerry Maguire (1996)—'A life isn’t worth living if you are sleepwalking through it.' Find the signal in the noise. Study Bitcoin.
#02: "Boating accidents and the main lesson from TITANIC (1997)"
#03: "GROUNDHOG DAY (1993)—Be like Phil, don't play by their rules. Opt-out with sound-money. Choose freedom."
#04: "GAME OF THRONES (2011–2019) and the importance of preserving your wealth"
#05: "THE ADAM PROJECT (2022)—Time travel only exists in movies. Stop wondering about this or that. Study Bitcoin, if you haven't started yet."
#06: "A.L.F (1986–1990) and the complexities of Bitcoin Mining"
#07: "STAR TREK—The Original Series (1966): 'Live long and prosper' to all Noderunners out there!"
BTC Your Mind. Let It Beat…
Şelale Malkoçoğlu
Born in Poland, raised in a multi-culti family, I quickly developed a passion for travel & respect for others. The digital nomad lifestyle is my natural fit. For years, I'm a happy Bictoiner as well.
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