Block Height: 123456

Hashrate: 123,45 EH/s

Join Us

This is an Open and Distributed initiative, and always appreciate you reaching out for anything.
You can reach us via the following channels:

You can simply join any of the channels and contact us directly (as there is no Central Management) or even use the email address.
You can also write to one of the site administrators:


You can support our efforts and donate either to volunteers and translators directly or donate to the initiative to support operational costs:


Using BIP47: +tinysnowflake983


Lightning addresses: or

Geyser Fund:

On-chain & Lightning

Geyser Fund - Crowdfunding with Bitcoin
Geyser is a bitcoin crowdfunding platform that enables campaign creators to launch their projects with rewards and engage their communities with posts and content.


As this website and the whole initiative are based on voluntary work and contributions. If you would like to contribute by:

  • Publishing educational material,
  • Helping out to complete the categories of information,
  • To help translate the material in your language,
  • Web Design and Development,
  • Event Organization and Communication,
  • Collaborating with local groups/individuals,

Then reach out to us from any of the above-mentioned methods and we would love to coordinate with you - to get you what you need!