MONO(Censored), spread bitcoin by playing
For bitcoiners who devote part of their time doing Satoshi Nakamoto's job that is spreading the word about bitcoin, the search for new communication tools is a nail in the coffin.
That's how @MaxisBTCGames came up with the game in which players can exchange properties, pay rents and taxes or build houses and hotels, all using real bitcoins and learning Lightning Network.
«Spreading bitcoin is not easy»- the author confided in a recent chat -«if we had a tool that made people use real bitcoins, but by letting nocoiners play, it would become more interesting». And that's how, partly in jest, then more seriously, Guy Fawkes began to turn the idea into action. The Proof-of-Work of this brainstorming is now available on the SHOP BTC GAMES Telegram channel.
Thus was born MONO(Censored).
Finance rules need to be changed (on the game plan)

For more than 80 years, the board of Another Game resignes in homes all over the world.
Everyone has played it at least once, everyone has failed.
All but one: the bank.
Although the italian publisher of the Other Game did not translate rule #11 of the original, the bank in this Other Game never fails.
Among the rules imposed, it is also forbidden for players to directly purchase built-up properties.
The goal of the game is to become the wealthiest palyer; the last remaining one, wins the tournament. However, the winner is not free to buy property at market value; not even for sale. He can buy back a nude property from a third party (the ‘bank’. That ‘bank’), only after it has been emptied from buildings built on it from the previous owner. Just as if the owners of City Life District went bankrupt, a ‘bank’ took possession of the Three Towers (at half its value) and then sold the land but only after the demolition of the three Milanese skyscrapers.
It is more than certain that almost no one has ever wondered why this absurd criterion was used. These are the 'rules of the game' and should be applied as such. Normies ' training starts a long way back....
Questions to which bitcoiners have found answers and solutions.
The Bitcoin Edition formula: - rules and + freedom

We are in a fairly dystopian (though very likely) future. The state is about to go bankrupt, and to make up for its losses it is forced to sell its properties to private individuals.
The players are real entrepreneurs, entering into competition with each other, free to barter and negotiate with others; the bank and the state cannot place restrictions.
The bank thus ends up in the background, by regulation paying transit allowances to the Go box and other credits, only and exclusively if it has availability. It is impossible for it to print satoshis out of thin air.
Just as in real life, where it is not true that we are all the same, so too in MONO(Censored) the initial economic availability is different for everyone. Each contestant will enter the game with an LN wallet and a non-predetermined amount of funds, different from the other players.
The board consists of 22 properties, each with its own title deed that the state will sell, or auction off, when players happen land on it with the roll of the dice. The classic stations are replaced by 4 transportation companies (maritime, rail, etc.) and the electric and potable water companies are replaced by miners, powered by hydroelectric and geothermal sources!
Comunity Chests, Chances and Special Boxes

There are the Comunity Chests: as in the real life of an entrepreneur, one can be subject to a tax audit; fortunately, one can also draw the Chance, such as receiving a higher income after a positive review from customers.
An all-out libertarian vision accompanies every stage of the game, marked by the certainties of the free market and spontaneous order.
The prison is replaced by the IRS, the state is the tax enforcement, and so on. The state is pictured as an entity we do not want to deal with. If it does happen, the comunity chest suggests 'paying a pizzo' to get out of the way.
User experience

MONO(Censored) is available in two versions: BASE and DELUXE.
The BASE set contains the game board, title deeds, player tiles, dice, comunity chests and chances.
The DELUXE version also contains some Lightning Cards, to be used as an extension of one's LN wallet. Instead of for payment, LN Cards collect rents, GO box benefits, and all fees due.
For the DELUXE version, 'a bank' is already on sale. It will be possible to integrate it, by purchasing it either separately or in the package.
Players can thus replicate the everyday experience of moving a contactless card closer to an opponent's pos/phone to collect what is due.
In this way, MONO(Censored) becomes a tremendous tool to orange-pill friends or family members with whom you want to share knowledge of the bitcoin protocol. By playing games, showing the simplicity and speed of financial transactions and, crucially, inviting every day routines movements.
However, cards are optional: the game can be play without them, delegating the task of making payments to wallets installed on cell phones.
MONO(Censored) plays in Mainnet only, with real satoshi!
Both versions, BASE and DELUXE are available for the italian, european and extra continental markets.
They are made entirely by hand, after purchase, the staff offers terrific customer service to finalize delivery.
The game is available with a rules booklet in italian, english and spanish.
MONO(Censored) is available on the Maxis Bitcoin Games shop pos.
Customer service is also available via Twitter and Telegram and responds in both italian and english.
You can buy by paying in bitcoin but, what is certain, is that you play only with real bitcoins. For precoiner friends, it is a playful and simple opportunity to approach the protocol, learn what it means to use sound money, non-inflationary, immutable, non-confiscable and #trustless currency.
Don't you already feel like playing with it?
#MilanoTrustless' friends can receive a 5% discount by using, at checkout, the code:

Milano Trustless (31febbraioMI)
#MilanoTrustless è un progetto personale per #orangepillare 🟠💊 Milano e infondere ai (meravigliosi) milanesi la mentalità #trustless
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