Autor: Şelale Malkoçoğlu | On behalf of: Bitcoin FilmFest | Date: 12.12.2023
The following content was published on behalf of Bitcoin FilmFest - one of my favourite bitcoin projects. A unique space at the heart of Bitcoin Cinema. The film festival and an awesome hub, connecting moviemakers, creators, artist, cinephiles and video-enthusiasts...The one that I'm proud to work in alongside other volunteers for quite some time now. Hence, I am very happy to announce this news to everyone: to all Bitcoiners of Europe! Check this out 👇
2024 marks an important date: block 840,000 and the next Bitcoin halving. By the way, already the fourth one since 2009, can you imagine? Time flies... If you missed the previous three, now is your chance to catch up.
Just in case you’re not familiar with the previous halving dates, here’s a quick recap:
- The first halving occurred in November 2012. Reward per block got reduced from 50 BTC to 25 BTC. On that day, the price of Bitcoin was only approximately $12.
- The second one happened in July 2016, and the reward per block got reduced from 25 BTC to 12.5 BTC.
- The last halving event, and the third one in the cycle, happened in May 2020, with again the block reward cut in half (reduced to 6.25 BTC).
FYI. On that particular day, Bitcoin was already priced at around $8,600, and within a span of just six months, it surged to over $15,700, shattering its all-time high as of November 2020.
Now, with the Bitcoin price back above ~$41,000, as of the time of writing, there’s a good chance that the price after the next halving may reach quite a high level once again. However, I won’t talk about the price today. For seasoned hodlers, it’s not just about the ‘money’, but a long-term preference.
1,2,3, BTC — The fourth halving event
Every four years, on the occasion of the Bitcoin halving, smaller meetings, larger gatherings and professional events are organized not only to enjoy and celebrate this important moment but also to exchange insights and experiences.
Probably just like every four years, some smaller and larger groups will meet here or there to celebrate the importance of the halving cycle... From spontaneous meetups over a beer, through organized gatherings with some local plebs, to finally professional events all over the place — I’m sure there’s a lot to expect.

2024, Halving Parties Around the World
So far, there are at least three epic events on the horizon, all about the Halvening. Each one has its own location, offbeat agenda and rad vibe. Looks like they’re gonna be way more fun than just hanging out with the usual group over a cold one.
- El Salvador, Bitcoin Halving Party by The Meme Factory
- Greece, Santorini Halving Party by Love is Bitcoin
- Poland, European Halving Party by Bitcoin FilmFest
But today I want to draw your attention specifically to the last one. Note it down: End of April 2024, Warsaw, Poland. If you are wondering why (and a fair point) — the answer is simple yet enticing: Poland isn't hosting just one event, but actually two of them, at once! So, if celebrating the reduction of bitcoin blocks isn’t enough for you, there is still a chance to delve into the world of independent cinema — a new, dynamically growing space for freedom seekers and movie buffs alike.
European Halving Party powered by Bitcoin FilmFest
- The first round of ticket sales began in December.
🎫 e-Pleb - 84,000 sats /half-price/
🎫 Pleb - 210,000 sats /half-price/
🎟️ Superpleb - 840,000 sats /half-price/

Here’s a Glimpse of What to Expect:
- New Bitcoin-themed films, panels, workshops, networking, games and celebration until dawn.
- Three exclusive days (April 19-21) right in the city center.
- Diverse program and over 500 attendees.
- Communities and creators from all over Europe.
- Decision-makers, Bitcoin-only projects, and representatives of media, art, business, and tech.
The largest gathering of European plebs around block 840,000. Half-party, Half-conference, Half-filmfest.
Two combined events to celebrate the importance of the halving cycle and the power of Bitcoin Cinema. Come to see for yourself. Don’t regret waiting another four years!
More information can be found on the event's website and their online campaign at Geyser Fund. Also, be sure to stay informed by following BFF’s socials as well (X/Twitter ; Nostr ; LinkedIn). Not only is it the go-to for ticket updates, but also a hub of captivating content straight from the heart of independent films.
👀 By the way!
If you want to help create this event, bring your community and join in as a team. There will be group competitions with cool prizes on the agenda. Not only can you participate in what’s already in place but also contribute your own unique ideas. Presentations, team games, showcasing your local community? There’s plenty to think about.
- Let your imagination run wild, talk to your local plebs, and when you are ready, simply reach out directly to the BFF Team, e-mail:
Hope to see you in Warsaw. The halving is coming and so should you!
BTC Your Mind. Let It ₿eat…
Şelale Malkoçoğlu
Şelale Malkoçoğlu
Born in Poland, raised in a multi-culti family, I quickly developed a passion for travel & respect for others. The digital nomad lifestyle is my natural fit. For years, I'm a happy Bictoiner as well.
follow me :
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