Autor: Şelale Malkoçoğlu | On behalf of Bitcoin FilmFest | Date: 07/17/2024
Personally, I haven’t yet met anyone who hasn’t watched at least one part of The Matrix Trilogy. Likewise, in the Bitcoin community, which has been my circle of friends for several years now, I haven’t yet run into anyone who doesn’t like this film.
Memes, quotes, wisdoms, and remakes of iconic scenes. The Matrix themes have been buzzing around for quite some time. By the way, one of my favorite pieces is the video from Swann Guy 👇 Just epic! Be sure to check it out.
"Fiat is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy". An iconic Matrix scene edited by @TheGuySwann 📺 EXIT FIAT, ENTER BITCOIN 😎⚡️ Absolutely brilliant!
— Bitcoin FilmFest 🎞️ 🐇 (@bitcoinfilmfest) May 5, 2024
What Happened to Ambitious Movies?
Besides enjoying a good book or podcast, I used to be a huge cinema fan—or should I say, I still am, albeit in a different way now… It’s been too long since I’ve seen a new movie that isn’t overloaded with special effects masking a shallow plot or simply being another rehash of the same story filled with all the silly political narratives.
I’m not saying that every new movie is worthless, but when I compare recent productions to those made 10-20 years ago, I see a huge gap—much like when I hear clichés repeated by people still following mainstream media, compared to what Bitcoiners are talking about…
By the way, a few months ago, I wrote an article highlighting several older titles that I believe embody the Bitcoin ethos, titled "Cinematic Echoes of Bitcoin Culture and Philosophy".
Surprise! The Matrix didn’t make to that list. I wanted to give it its own separate space, which led to the creation of the piece you’re reading right now.
It’s remarkable how, back in 1999, the Wachowskis adeptly captured the system that envelops us to this day. Sometimes, I even jest that The Matrix is the best documentary film ever made, that isn’t really a documentary.
The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. — Morpheus
There’re so many parallels between our own reality and the world depicted in especially the first and second parts of the trilogy. From mental slavery, lies and manipulation, acknowledged by few to keep their ‘comfort,’ through poignant scenes reflecting the quest for truth—such as Morpheus offering Neo the choice between two pills—to the fight of good versus evil.
Moreover, the total control of the machines wield in the movie can be compared to that imposed by our governments, self-proclaimed leaders, and the entire financial and cultural fiat-based machinery.
There is no coincidence that the saying “choose the truth, exit the Matrix” resonates so well within the Bitcoin community. The deeper we get into all aspects of our lives, the more we see the analogy to The Matrix’s narrative. Bitcoin ‘orange-pill’ works akin to the red one offered by Morpheus to Neo—an antidote unmasking blind spots, revealing the layers of falsehood and fabrication of our reality.
Critical Thinking Unlocks Freedom.
Being a Bitcoiner brings both rewards and responsibilities, as we constantly rediscover the world anew. Inquisitive mindset and immunity to mainstream lies sharpen our senses, allowing us to break free from one-sided perspectives, even those we may overall like.
Therefore, this article aims to illustrate the distinction between being ‘unplugged from the Matrix’ in the film and being ‘freed’ after taking the Bitcoin orange-pill. Its purpose is to inspire and fortify our efforts, perhaps even to motivate other people to join us.
Difference number 1️⃣: The film depicts those brave enough to exit the system as facing many struggle and bleak conditions in the underground refuge of Zion. In contrast, the Bitcoin community, while grappling with its own challenges, is visibly improving living standards not just for themselves but also for others across the globe.
- Fact: We don’t struggle; we thrive.
Difference number 2️⃣: Instead of constantly ‘returning to the simulation’ to fight against it, Bitcoiners focus on building a new world and its essential infrastructure. Focus and low-time preference are one of the keys to our success.
- Fact: People who are struggling to get by are typically those who haven’t yet chosen Bitcoin or have already rejected it (those still plugged into the simulation).
Difference number 3️⃣: Characters in The Matrix do not directly utilize their own energy within the simulation they are living in. Even though they allow their energy to be harvested to sustain the system, similar to our own world, they remain oblivious to the scarcity of time.
- Fact: We grasp the value of scarce resources and use them consciously. Bitcoin, energy, and time — understanding these three leads to wiser decision-making.
Don’t think you are, know you are. — Morpheus
I see unplugging from the Matrix as a release, a true liberation that brings relief and jubilation in newfound freedom. Taking the orange-pill doesn’t hurt, but it has its cost...
Embracing the truth requires courage, effort, and responsibility.
BTC Your Mind. Let It Beat…
Şelale Malkoçoğlu
Born in Poland, raised in a multi-culti family, I quickly developed a passion for travel & respect for others. The digital nomad lifestyle is my natural fit. For years, I'm a happy Bictoiner as well.
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