Block Height: 123456
Hashrate: 123,45 EH/s
Feb 15, 2025
The first decentralized digital money in history, Bitcoin, depends on a network of nodes to operate. The efficiency, security, and integrity of the Bitcoin network depend on these nodes....
Oct 25, 2024
Lightning to wspólny język nowo powstających subsieci. To język bitcoina....
Jan 24, 2024
I believe that Bitcoin, LN, and Nostr deserve our support, just as we deserve to shift from being content slaves to decision makers again. Let's welcome Flash, the first payment snippet that has the power to change it all....
Nov 23, 2023
A 1999 article by Nick Szabo is often cited to argue that micropayments don’t work. But with Bitcoin and the Lighting Network, now they do. This is an opinion editorial by Jared Nusinoff, cofounder and CEO of Mash, a Bitcoin- and Lightning-Network-based micropayments platform....
Oct 30, 2023
Published in print for the second issue of the EINUNDZWANZIG magazine....
Aug 03, 2023
Una guida che illustra le soluzioni disponibili per iniziare a utilizzare Lightning Network e i rispettivi modelli di utilizzo | Darth Coin...
Jun 29, 2023
Lingua ▼ inglese italiano Autore: Voltage | Pubblicazione originale: 19 giu 2023 | Tradotto da: 31febbraio...
May 21, 2023
Published in print for the second issue of the EINUNDZWANZIG magazine....
May 20, 2023
Viele Leute bezeichnen die Gesamtheit aller Lightning-Kanäle als „das Lightning-Netzwerk“, aber das ist eine falsche Annahme. Es gibt kein einzelnes „Lightning-Netzwerk“, sondern viele Zahlungskanäle zwischen verschiedenen Partnern, von denen einige miteinander verbunden sind und andere nicht....
May 09, 2023
Metodi, strategie, tipologie, raccomandazioni su come avviare la gestione di un nodo LN e gestirne la liquidità | Darth Coin...
May 04, 2023
Koncepcja mikropłatności istnieje już od dawna, ale do niedawna jeszcze nie było w sumie możliwości, aby skutecznie ją wdrożyć....
Apr 21, 2023
Dopo gli IMPREVISTI dell’esordio in fase beta, il rilascio dell’edizione definitiva che ha tutte le PROBABILITÀ di diventare il gioco preferito da precoiner e bitcoiner. Ecco MONO(Censored)...