Digital money is just text, all the time
Digital money at its core is just about numbers on a ledger. All the time, its the numbers that matter. Long number are just strings and these sent to equal peers as messages in a network formed by rules is Bitcoin, which is combined with a unique decentralized time stamping algorithm secured by the unforgeable costliness of energy. The result is a cash network with a fixed preprogrammed supply schedule of money creation creating the first absolute scarce digital bearer asset.
These revolutionary ideas are here to stay like fire, the wheel, electricity, the smartphone, the internet or the number zero. Technology evolves and what do living organisms do? They can mutate, just like viruses and this lead me to the conclusion there is a connection to be found in that regard as well since Gigi already described the manifolds Bitcoin, its many facets. For me the abstraction is that Bitcoin is just the sum of all people holding sats or interacting with the Bitcoin Network.
Technology gets adapted at a certain rate. However there are always early, middle or late-adopters of technology. But what happens if it becomes a serious threat not to adopt hard money? What happens if the escape velocity is just to fast in a way it is impossible to find someone wishing to exchange sats for fiat? What happens if the hyperbitcoinization starts tomorrow? What if there was and UpSideProtection™️ accelerating this process even more that secures you Bitcoin at a fraction of its true value?
We all wish for a safe transition to avoid the war due to a failing dollar hegemony and actually there is a race to avoid the war. Personally my greatest gift is the time and monetary energy dedicated to Bitcoin and being in this space for a while I see fellow plebs on the same mission. But it is NOT enough. We need to scale. Faster.
Astonishment by the short movie the great resistance lead me to the conclusion that we have all the tools and all the information in form of educators, podcasts, books and empowering videos already. The benefit of a fixed money supply is just not understood by a critical mass but only by an intolerant minority. This minority grows, day by day. Its incarnations are the DCA army, the hodlers of last resort, the relentless stackers, the cyberhornets, the memefactory™️ and members of the 21 groups all around the world.
We as bitcoiners are separated in space, but not in time. Separated in language, but not in mission. United we must speak up, educate and spread Bitcoin like a virus.
Nobody decides what Bitcoin is for you - this mind virus solidifies in incorruptible numbers leading to a growing number of UTXOs in wallets, not in negative health affects. Bitcoin is the virus of the financial debt industry, the virus that will lead to greatest definancilization and unwinding of credit in the 21st century. Since we are not yet living in a hyperbitcoinized world, we need to make the virus more effective. Bitcoin needs to mutate, but it is not Bitcoin that actually mutates but the people using it. They become toxic maximalist spreading the virus more vigourosly and infect or kill all shitcoiner mentally during their presence.
I was asking myself how can we educate and convince a billion people to use and save in Bitcoin voluntarily? Using it as their primary way of storing and transmitting value in space and time? Hyperbitcoinization just needs a single powerful positive feedback loop to get truly started, and it already has, but not in the minds of everyone. After a certain threshold the gravity of Bitcoin's hardened monetary properties will just be too high for the game theoretic stance not to play out with Bitcoin beating gold in 2024.
Spreading the idea of a fixed decentralized money supply taken away from the power of centralized forces is the virus. The way to play the game is to stack stackers, and stackers stack sats thereby decentralizing the supply of money and making a ban absurd. Sats are finite and so is our game. A certain amount of ordinary people alone, the plebs, can drive the price to 1,000,000 USD.
Ultimately the world will be adjusting to the new equilibirium of power in favour of the individuum. Getting this idea in the heads of the masses is the paramount task for 2023, leading into the next halving 2024.
We need to increase our reproduction value leading to increased adoption. Using bitcoin as payment and circularity matters. Education matters. Apps and use cases matter. The purchasing power, meaning the moscow time approaching zero, matters and everything of this is connected.
But how exactly can plebs convince a billion people?
How exactly did the corona virus infect a billion people?
Raise your voice anon, talk about Bitcoin, take action and BUIDL or just let us have fun staying poor and enjoy being stolen from every day.
Let us free up yellow's time and buy Bitcoin to 100k+ and us into stackheaven.
"Don't stop believin' HODL on to that feelin' "
The rest will be etched into the irrefutable history of the timechain.
"There’s no flesh or blood within this cloak to kill. There’s only an idea. Ideas are bulletproof."
Alan Moore, V for Vendetta
#GetShortFiat and #GetOnZero
It is still 60 o'clock. Be wise and stack relentlessly. You can not trick mathematics and physics.
If this post provided you motivation to stack some stackers or stack some sats:

#Bitcoin only - #GetOnZero - united we fix the money (supply to 21M BTC)
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