Block Height: 123456
Hashrate: 123,45 EH/s
Jan 16, 2025
So you’ve heard about Bitcoin and are interested in buying some, but you aren’t entirely sure what exactly Bitcoin is, why one coin is worth so much, and why so many people claim that it’s a game-changer. Don’t worry. You are not alone. Bitcoin can be difficult to grasp at first....
Jan 16, 2025
For the longest time, fiat currency was the most commonly used and accepted form of money. While this is still the case, the invention of Bitcoin changes things. In this guide, we look at the difference between bitcoin vs fiat currency and why bitcoin is considered “better money” by its advocates....
Jan 16, 2025
If you’ve been reading up on Bitcoin, you’ll have probably come across the term “blockchain.” You may even know that blockchain is the underlying technology that powers Bitcoin....
Oct 24, 2022
Bitcoin ist vergleichbar mit einer bedingungslosen Versicherungspolice gegen die Ungewissheit in der Zukunft. | What is Money! Show | Robert Breedlove (@Breedlove22) | Michael Saylor (@saylor) | Stephen Chow (@chowcollection)...
Oct 16, 2022
Bitcoin ist das effizienteste System zur Übertragung von Energie durch Zeit und Raum in der Geschichte der Menschheit! | What is Money! Show | Robert Breedlove (@Breedlove22) | Michael Saylor (@saylor) | Stephen Chow (@chowcollection)...
Oct 07, 2022
Die defensiven Eigenschaften der Technologie werden mit der Zeit wichtiger als die offensiven und jede hinreichend fortgeschrittene Technologie sind von Magie nicht zu unterscheiden! | What is Money! Show | Robert Breedlove (@Breedlove22) | Michael Saylor (@saylor) | Stephen Chow (@chowcollection)...
Sep 26, 2022
Um die Zukunft zu verstehen, muss man die Geschichte verstehen! Gesellschaften, die das Naturrecht zutiefst respektieren, neigen dazu, erfolgreich zu sein. | What is Money! Show | Robert Breedlove | Michael Saylor | Stephen Chow...