Block Height: 123456

Hashrate: 123,45 EH/s


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Bitcoin in 10 Minutes - Relai
Everything you always wanted to know about Bitcoin - Brought to you by RELAI
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Bitcoin & Exponentielle Freiheit
Warum Bitcoin monetäre Exzellenz ist und seine Verwendung den globalen Frieden, den Fortschritt unserer Zivilisation und die exponentielle Freiheit fördern wird. | Jake Leary
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21 Lekcija
Falling down the Bitcoin rabbit hole is a strange experience. Like many others, I feel like I have learned more in the last couple of years studying Bitcoin than I have during two decades of formal education. The following lessons are a distillation of what I’ve learned. | Der Gigi
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Cryptoeconomics - Fundamental Principles of Bitcoin
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