

  Jun 09, 2024

Com instal·lar i configurar el teu servidor "núvol" personal

En la actual era digital, on estem evolucionant cap a un futur distòpic,...

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  Jun 09, 2024

Personal Server - How to setup and configure

In a digital era that is evolving to a surveillance nightmare, self hosting...

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  May 16, 2024

Bitcoin Pizza Day, Satosh Bears, ZiGi and Whatabear You Love!

May 22 is just around the corner. As we're gearing up to celebrate the 14th anniversary of the first commercial bitcoin transaction once again, I'd like to bring some extra fun with a sprinkle of knowledge tailored for kids and teens alike....

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  Dec 17, 2023

The history of Bitcoin Ljubljana

This started as a Twitter thread that is now a long-form article about Bitcoin Ljubljana and things around bitcoin in Slovenia....

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  Dec 01, 2023

Unchain the world

a poster collection by @UnchTheWorld...

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  Nov 23, 2023

Nick Szabo was wrong: with Bitcoin, micropayments work

A 1999 article by Nick Szabo is often cited to argue that micropayments don’t work. But with Bitcoin and the Lighting Network, now they do. This is an opinion editorial by Jared Nusinoff, cofounder and CEO of Mash, a Bitcoin- and Lightning-Network-based micropayments platform....

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  Oct 25, 2023

Più duro dell'oro, più veloce della fiat

Per migliaia di anni, l'oro è sempre stato il denaro più duro dell'umanità. Tutto questo è destinato a cambiare nel giro di pochi mesi, e la maggior parte delle persone non ne ha idea | Nick Giambruno...

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  Jul 17, 2023

De Bitcoin whitepaper voor kinderen

Een manier waarop mensen geld naar elkaar kunnen sturen met behulp van computers zonder tussenkomst van of nood aan een derde partij (zoals een bank of tussenpersoon)....

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  Jul 13, 2023

Bitcoin: Everything in 21 pages

A booklet to successfully orange-pilling tool for many fellow evangelists! - Bitcoin Reserve...

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  Jun 16, 2023

The Sovereign University

Let's embark into your Bitcoin educational journey...

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