

  May 27, 2024

Dev Hack Day BTC Prague 2024

Are you ready to dive into the future of bitcoin technology with the...

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  May 27, 2024

Startup Pitch Contest BTC Prague 2024

Have you ever wanted to witness firsthand the innovative solutions emerging from the...

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  May 13, 2024

Bitcoin: Empowering Prague's Historic Fight for Freedom

Bitcoin fuels Prague's freedom journey, echoing its historic fight for autonomy. From past revolutions to present-day innovations, the city embraces bitcoin as a symbol of resilience and empowerment | BTC Prague...

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  Apr 08, 2024

Building Bitcoin Bridges: Uniting Europe for Financial Freedom

Building Bitcoin bridges across Europe, uniting cultures for financial freedom and sovereignty....

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  Jun 12, 2023

Having Fun in the World’s Bitcoin Capital

Aaron Koenig on BTC Prague 2023 being his favourite bitcoin conference of the year...

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  May 02, 2023

dev/hack/day: Program Highlights

BTC Prague official side event dev/hack/day: Program Highlights...

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  Apr 27, 2023

dev/hack/day: A Must-Attend Event for Every Tech Enthusiast

dev/hack/day is a special one-day event - The official side event of BTC Prague with 100+ world's top open-source devs and 40+ talks, workshops, and Socratic seminars....

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  Apr 15, 2023

Michael Saylor in Eric Weiss na konferenci BTC Praga 2023

Od 7. - 10. junija se bo v Pragi dogajalo ogromno zanimivih stvari. V štirih dneh se bo na odru zbralo ogromno število svetovno znanih zagovornikov bitcoina ter tehnologije. Poleg tega pa se bodo odvijale predstavitve projektov, ki poganjajo bitcoin na povsem novo raven....

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  Apr 04, 2023

Nostr – Vítejte v říši fialového pštrosa

Co je to Nostr? | Nostr vs. Twitter | Platforma vs. protokol | Otevřenost | Lightning | Pokrok bez povolení...

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  Mar 16, 2023

Michael Saylor na konferenci BTC Prague 2023

Michael Saylor bo prvič osebno prisoten na evropski bitcoin konferenci. BTC Praga 2023....

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  Mar 06, 2023

BTC Prague 2023 – od OGs po generaci ₿

Adam Back a Slush na BTC Prague 2023 | Od OGs po Generaci ₿ | Vizualizace areálu | Platby za vstupenky...

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  Mar 06, 2023

Adam Back & Slush alla BTC Praga 2023

Adam Back & Slush alla BTC Praga 2023 | Dagli OG a Gen ₿ | Anteprima della sede | Pagamento dei biglietti...

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