

  May 02, 2024

The Role of the Monetary Premium in Real Estate

The article examines the substantial appreciation of real estate since 1971 and the emergence of bitcoin as a competitor to real estate in serving as a store of value. Leon A. Wankum...

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  Aug 30, 2023

Bitcoin: Self-Sovereignty and Liberty in the Digital Age.

Bitcoin centres around cryptographic control, creating a paradigm of digital self-sovereignty, independent of authorities or legal systems. This provides a safeguard against the invasion of privacy and ensures the protection of individual freedom. Leon A. Wankum...

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  Aug 23, 2023

Bitcoin in nepremičnine: Kaj je boljši hranilec vrednosti?

Objavil: Leon A. Wankum, januar 2023 Nepremičnine ne morejo tekmovati z bitcoinom kot hranilcem vrednosti. Bitcoin je redkejši, lažje ga prodajamo, enostavneje ga je premikati skozi prostor in čas in veliko težje ga je zaseči....

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  Jul 11, 2023

Bitcoin & Real Estate 102: Is leveraging real estate to buy bitcoin a good idea?

The article explains why it would be foolish not to take on reasonable debt to buy bitcoin and why real estate is the perfect collateral for this endeavour. Leon A. Wankum...

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  Jul 02, 2023

Bitcoin & Real Estate 101: Maintenance reserves

Bitcoin maintenance reserves are a long-term treasury management strategy for real estate investors outside the uncertainty of the inflationary fiat system. Leon A. Wankum...

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  May 20, 2023

Die Zukunft von Immobilien unter einem Bitcoin Standard

Wie kann man das Wohnen unter einem Bitcoin Standard finanzieren?...

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  Mar 07, 2023

Bitcoin vs. Real Estate: Which is the more resilient store of value in times of crisis?

The properties of bitcoin reflect many of real estate’s value offers on top of fundamentally more secure custody, easier maintenance and most importantly the ability to liquidate or move your wealth in times of crisis. Leon A. Wankum...

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  Jan 23, 2023

Bitcoin e immobili: Qual è la migliore riserva di valore? (Perché il Bitcoin è un bene immobile digitale II)

Gli immobili non possono competere con bitcoin come riserva di valore. Bitcoin è più raro, più liquido, più facile da spostare e più difficile da confiscare. Leon A. Wankum...

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  Jan 23, 2023

Bitcoin vs Real Estate: What is the Superior Store of Value?

Real estate cannot compete with bitcoin as a store of value. Bitcoin is rarer, more liquid, easier to move and harder to confiscate. Leon A. Wankum...

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