

  Sep 27, 2022

Systems falln’t

In this article we try to break down the differences between the fiscal models that could compete against Bitcoin due to its monetary design in the medium term. Systems Falln’t derives from the Bitcoin and Macro article and opens the first doubts about Hegel’s Master and Slave dialectic....

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  Sep 27, 2022

Migliorare UI e UX dei nodi Bitcoin potrebbe essere vantaggioso per tutti

È giunto il momento di spostare la discussione su interfacce ed esperienza utente di Bitcoin riguardo ai nodi RAM | Bitcoin Magazine...

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  Sep 24, 2022

Bitcoin and Macro

Bitcoin destroys the state, here the explanation from a macroeconomic point of view....

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  Sep 11, 2022

Store of Value

The article Store of Value tries to explain why it doesn't make sense to separate the store of value and the payment method phases, as some part of the community does. | Begleri...

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  Jun 14, 2022

Kratka Istorija Velikog Resetovanja

Brz i sveobuhvatan pogled na protekle decenije koje su dovele do onoga što danas nazivamo „Velikim resetovanjem“. | Lily Bit...

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  Jun 14, 2022

Una Breve Historia del Gran Reinicio

Un repaso rápido y completo a las últimas décadas que condujeron a lo que ahora llamamos "El Gran Reinicio". | Lily Bit...

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